Retreat: Living, Embodied Non-Duality - May 7-12, 2025 in France
This (re)treat, hosted in a beautiful nature-embraced sanctuary in South West France, is a great opportunity not only to explore and investigate deeply into our true nature, but also to celebrate this peace and joyful recognition of our (one) shared being together in truth, love and friendship.
Living embodied non-duality is not a new philosophy and surely not more learning for the mind, but the actual experience of happiness and peace, harmony and creativity in our daily lives. It expresses itself naturally in all of our human experience: in our bodies, relationships, work, within our families, etc.
It is the breaking free from the limitations and suffering of an imagined separate self. It is the freedom and happiness of simply being yourself.
An important aspect of the retreat will be the embodiment of this non-dual understanding on all levels of our being in a practical way. This includes especially how to meet painful and heavy feelings in our bodies, as these old residues of separation in us often still have the power to prevent us from enjoying the peace, love and joy continuously.
Meetings in Being
These meetings (*Satsang) are intended to discover, remember and deepen in our experience and understanding of our true nature or reality. They are also a beautiful and joyful way to stay in touch as a community and to celebrate our friendship in truth, love and simplicity. The intention is not to gain more learning or conceptual knowledge for the mind, but to establish ourselves in actual experiential understanding

About Adrian
Adrian is fulfilling the wish of his teacher Baba Ram Dass to ‚teach‘ or simply share from the heart of awareness (and his own experience) in the eternal quest for ‚enlightenment‘, ‚awakening‘ or ’self-realization‘.
He is addressing in a casual, loving and funny way the human paradox or predicament – How to remember or recognize what in reality was never forgotten or lost?! – Who or What We Truly Are.
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